
Unmixer: Loop Extraction with Repetition, with Dr. Jordan Smith and Tim de Reuse

Music technology PhD Candidate Tim de Reuse recommends “Unmixer: An Interface for Extracting and Remixing Loops” by Jordan Smith,Yuta Kawasaki, and Masataka Goto, published in the proceedings of ISMIR 2019. Tim and Finn interview Jordan about the origins of this project, the algorithm behind the loop extraction, the importance of repetition in music, and the creative and playful applications of Unmixer.

Note: This conversation was recorded in December 2019. Techically issues with some tracks contributed to delays. Apologies for the choppy audio quality.

Time Stamps

  • [0:01:40] Project Summary
  • [0:05:05] Demonstration of Unmixer
  • [0:14:27] Origins of the UnMixer project 
  • [0:19:44] Factorisation algorithm 
  • [0:28:37] Computational and musical objectives for factorisation
  • [0:36:15] The Unmixer web interface
  • [0:41:30] 2nd Demonstration, parameters and track selection
  • [0:49:13] What Unmixer tells us about music

Show notes


The So Strangely Podcast is produced by Finn Upham, 2020. The closing music includes a sample of Diana Deutsch’s Speech-Song Illusion sound demo 1.